Some little knowledge about the segments of diamond saw blades, for each specific application condition, if the required tool life and sawing performance are required, the chemical composition, particle size, Shape and pressing characteristics, as well as the particle size, shape, strength and thermal stability of the diamond used.
Most general-purpose carcasses are composed of cobalt, iron, copper, tin, tungsten, and tungsten carbide. Except for mining drill bits made by the dipping process, when hot and cold pressing or sintering processes are used, very fine metals are often used. powder.
Segments of diamond saw blades
Regarding the diamond abrasive, its type, particle size and concentration are the most important factors. The main difference between natural diamond and synthetic diamond is the distribution of inclusions in the shape of the crystal. Natural diamond has low toughness, but has very good bonding properties . This is due to the fact that natural diamonds have a very uneven surface. This makes them very practical for certain applications, such as frame saws for sawing sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
The matching of diamond particle size and concentration will be determined by the number of cutting points affecting the unit area of ​​the tool working surface. The particle size of the diamond and its strength and holding characteristics are determined by affecting the protruding state of the diamond crystal and affecting its matrix cleaning cuttings It is essential for efficient sawing of rock that there is enough space to accumulate cuttings and to remove them from the sawing area in time, and at the same time, the sawed diamond crystals remain sharp and not subject to excessive loads.
The crystal shape of the diamond will affect its crushing characteristics. The complete hexahedral crystal shape and smooth crystal face make the diamond have good toughness, so it is difficult to fix and hold in the matrix. The best way to make the high-grade diamond not fall off as much as possible It is a thin film coated with strong carbide elements such as Ti, Cr, Si, etc.
The appropriate combination of plating type, matrix composition and tool processing conditions will make the diamond firmly held in the matrix due to the action of the diffusion-impregnated binder and the matrix. Another benefit of plating is to prevent diamond Graphitization of the surface and erosion of aggressive matrix components.