The Diamond Beaded Wire Saw is an energy efficient stone equipment. It is widely used in the industry and favored by customers. The use of machinery is important, and so is the beaded wire saw. The following are cooling instructions for diamond beaded wire saws in use.
When the diamond beaded wire saw is cutting, it must be cooled, otherwise the beads will be burned out, and in severe cases, the entire diamond beaded wire saw will be scrapped. Cooling can be done with tap water.
The amount of cooling water is: the amount of cooling water at the outlet of the diamond beaded wire saw is 1.5 to 2 times the diameter of the diamond beaded wire saw, which can be adjusted appropriately according to the noise during cutting and the turbidity of the material. Cooling can be done with tap water.
The amount of cooling water is not the more the better, too much cooling water will easily affect the self-sharpening of the diamond beaded wire saw and make the wire saw slip; too little cooling water will easily cause the beads to heat up and affect the cutting life.