1. When the rock cutting machine is running automatically, it must be started when the main machine meets the conditions and turn on the water flow switch. Press the automatic button to select the direction of the cutting machine, and then the stone cutting machine will cut the stone automatically
2. Take selecting forward as an example. When touching the front limit switch, the stone cutting machine will walk slowly, stop after a certain distance, and then walk backward. After leaving the front limit switch, the saw blade of the cutting machine will start to fall, and at this time, the cutting machine is forbidden to walk forward and backward
3. When the saw blade of the cutting machine stops falling, the cutting machine starts to move backward automatically. Repeatedly, when the saw blade contacts the lower limit switch for one time, the saw blade of the cutting machine cannot rise. When it contacts the front limit switch or the rear limit switch again, the saw blade of the cutting machine rises, the main machine stops working, and the lifting and forward and backward movement stops